Ordinary Session 15

Location: St. Miquel building -  MF.1.9  Schedule:  11:20 – 11:32 - Angelo Riviezzo, Filomena Pagnozzi, Gilda Antonelli: How to teach soft skills at university. A critical incident analysis of entrepreneurship teachers’ reflections in five European countries.  11:35 – 11:47 - Aleksandra Zaniewska: Academic accelerator program, the valueof quality educationthrough university-industry –governmentsupport. Case study based onaccelerator...

Pitching Stage Session 2

Location: St. Jaume building - Congress room - zone 3 Speaker: Andréa Aparecida da Costa Mineiro: Relating Life Cycle and Quadruple Helix: The startup NexAtlas case Patricia Mello: - Institutional architecture of urban policies based on innovation systems: the case of the São José dos Campos urban mobility policy Pau Cortada: Green Duat – The...

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