The Triple Helix Conference seeks to give recognition to those works that stand out not only for their scientific quality but also for the contribution they generate.
For this reason, we have decided to create 4 categories that recognize not only the work of young researchers but also the outstanding research and the trajectories of their researchers.
The contributions will be reviewed by the Award Committee of the 2023 Triple Helix Conference. The selection criteria include relevance to the conference, contribution to TH research, academic/research rigour, factors enabling efficient implementation and quality of writing.
Presenting authors will have the opportunity to participate to the following awards.
Early Career Researcher Award
Awarded to full-time doctoral students or early career researchers (five years maximum from their PhD), recognizing the conceptual and methodological quality of their research papers, their originality and implications/applications for the Triple Helix models, concepts and approaches.
Best Conference Paper Award
Award to researchers recognizing the conceptual and methodological quality of their research papers, their originality and implications/applications for the Triple Helix models, concepts and approaches.
Best Practical Innovation Cases
Awarded to practitioners and their institutions who have presented practical cases and reports of experiences on Triple Helix interactions and are currently engaged in building successful and goal-oriented relationships between industry-academia-government.
Triple Helix Life Achievement Award
The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes individuals or groups who have made significant and sustained contributions to the development and/or dissemination principles that govern research of the Triple Helix Theory.