Ordinary Session 6

Location: St. Miquel building MF.B.2.1  Schedule:  08:30 – 08:42 - Agnieszka Karpińska: “Everything has to be Done the Polish Way” - other words - how Individual Empowerment Contributes to Social Powerlessness. The Difficulties of Partnership for Innovation Experienced by Innovators in Post-Soviet Society.  08:45 – 09:00 - Prasanna Kumar Kukkamalla, Carlos Carrasco Farre, Joan Enric...

Ordinary Session 7

Location: St. Miquel building -  MF.B.2.2  Schedule:  08:30 – 08:45 - Letizia Donati (online), Marco Bellandi, Monica Barni: Engaged Humanities - Exploring the contribution of Italian studies to local development   08:45 – 09:00 Lurdes Duarte Patrício, João Ferreira: Fostering Entrepreneurial Activity: A graduate perspective of bridging university.  9:00 – 09:15 - Tatiana Aleksandrovna Iakovleva, Masoumeh Shahverdi,...

Ordinary Session 8

Location: St Miquel building - MF.1.7 Schedule:  08:30 – 08:45 - Canio Forliano, Paola De Bernardi, Alberto Bertello: The role of entrepreneurial universities within quintuple helix innovation ecosystems. A system analysis.   08:45 – 09:00 - Jorge A. Durán E (online)., Carina A. Rapetti, Josep M. Piqué, Didier Grimaldi: A System Dynamics Model to Analyze Development of Innovation...

Ordinary Session 9

Location: Sant Miquel building - MF.1.8  Schedule:   08:30 – 08:45 - Aram Cho: An adaptive evolution of policy transfer: the case of Vietnam-Korea Institute of Science and Technology  08:45 – 09:00 - Benjamin G. Mitchell: A Quadruple Helix that Respects and Nurtures Indigenous Australian Innovation and Development.  09:00 – 09:15 - Mohammad Moshtari: Faculty Promotion...

Ordinary Session 10

Location: Sant Miquel building - MF.1.9 Schedule:  08:30 – 08:45 - Bernardo Valente, Hugo Pinto, Tiago Santos Pereira, Rita Campos: Markets and Competencies of multiplex biosensors for a sustainable transformation: Anexploratory bibliometric analysis.  08:45 – 09:00 - Gil Avnimelech: From Startup Nation to Open Innovation Nation: The Evolution of an Open Innovation Ecosystem in Israel.  09:00 –...

Special Session 1: SDG 1 – No Poverty

Location: St. Miquel building - MF.S.03 Partner: Demà Speakers: Ana Carolina Silva Ferran Falcó Felip Neri Gordi Oscar Beltran Lacasa Oscar Fundesplai

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