What is Network IQ?

Strategic networking is one of the core competencies in the digital marketplace, and entrepreneurial people need to know how to use their networks in order to succeed. As part of the EU EIT HEI project Network IQ Alliance, a “Train the Trainer Network IQ Programme” is on offer to train new Network IQ coaches to empower entrepreneurs to amplify growth opportunities from the networks they build to innovate better, faster and have long-term resilience.

We are looking for innovation management educators, business/management coaches and startup mentors to join this FREE programme which will allow you to expand your coaching skillset to include the Network IQ™ methodology. By becoming a Network IQ™ Coach you will:

Learn how to empower others on how to identify and activate their networks, shorten communication lines, virtually engage with the right people, build global visibility and digital identity.

Coach teammates and collaborators on how to optimise digital or hybrid teams and improve “teaming” capacity across digital communities.

Learn an innovative new tool and a skillset to expand your current work portfolio.

Expand your professional networks by helping high-potential individuals build self-confidence around their leadership roles in the world interconnected by diverse networks.

Accelerate organizational transformation, global strategies and multilevel governance.

There will be a Masterclass with Dr. Daria Tataj, the author of the Network Intelligence methodology, held at LaSalle Campus in Barcelona:

•   June 29th, 2023 (12:00-19:00 CET Academic Track)
•   June 30th, 2023 (9:00-16:00 CET Non-Academic Track)

The programme consists of pre-recorded videos + 3 weekly workbooks for self-study (time commitment c. 6-9 h) together with an online exam to be completed by June 28.

To participate in the course, sign up by the May 28th, 2023:


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