Pitching Stage Session 1

Location: St. Jaume - Congress room - zone 3 Speakers: Martina Logi Valentina Battista (online) Mar Meneses Burgos Session Moderator: Carmen Adán Claudia Olvera

Poster Session

Location: St. Jaume building - Congress room - zone 1 Speakers: Agnieska Stachowiak: The role of Triple Helix Synergetic intelligence in entrepreneurial strategy development Daria Golebiowska-Tataj:The role of Triple Helix Synergetic intelligence in entrepreneurial strategy development Felicity Kelliher: The role of Triple Helix Synergetic intelligence in entrepreneurial strategy development Jelena Titko: The role of Triple...

Coffee Break

Location: Montserrat Square 

Ordinary Session 11

Location: St. Miquel building - MF.B.2.1  Schedule:  11:20 – 11:35 - Breno Assunção, Cleidson Dias: Factors interfering in a successful technology transfer process involving digital assets generated by public research institutes.  11:35 – 11:50 -  Elsayed Fathi Moussa Mohamed, Igone Porto Gomez: Collaborative Governance in the Public Sector: Bibliometric Review  11:50 – 12:05- Julia Bloomfield...

Ordinary Session 12

Location: St. Miquel building - MF.B.2.2    Schedule:  11:20 – 11:35 - Aleksandra Szulczewska-Remi: Modelling the industry perspective of university research commercialization.  11:35 – 11:50 - Jessica Paños (online), María José Bezanilla Albisua: An approach to a model to analyze the level of the Entrepreneurial University based on Quintuple Helix Model.   11:50 – 12:...

Ordinary Session 13

Location: St. Miquel building - MF.1.7  Schedule:  11:20 – 11:32 – Lorenza Claudio (online): NGOs: core actors for green innovations.  11:35 – 11:47 – Olmo Guagnetti: Societal engagement in the innovation eco-systems of e-health, industrial automation and construction to promote sustainable development.   11:50 – 12:02 - Sun Yan: The Theoretical Connotation and Construction Path of...

Ordinary Session 14

Location: St. Miquel building - MF.1.8  Schedule:  11:20 – 11:35 - Katrin Uude (online): Unlocking the potencial of digital co-creation between heis, ngos, and citizens  11:35 – 11:50- Maria Lima-Toivanen (online): Enhancing Higher Education Institutions Engagement with Digital Water Smart.  11:50 – 12:05 - Rosa Vidal Tusal: Marketing strategies and research groups lost in connection:...

Ordinary Session 15

Location: St. Miquel building -  MF.1.9  Schedule:  11:20 – 11:32 - Angelo Riviezzo, Filomena Pagnozzi, Gilda Antonelli: How to teach soft skills at university. A critical incident analysis of entrepreneurship teachers’ reflections in five European countries.  11:35 – 11:47 - Aleksandra Zaniewska: Academic accelerator program, the valueof quality educationthrough university-industry –governmentsupport. Case study based onaccelerator...

Pitching Stage Session 2

Location: St. Jaume building - Congress room - zone 3 Speaker: Andréa Aparecida da Costa Mineiro: Relating Life Cycle and Quadruple Helix: The startup NexAtlas case Patricia Mello: - Institutional architecture of urban policies based on innovation systems: the case of the São José dos Campos urban mobility policy Pau Cortada: Green Duat – The...

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