Poster Sessions

Location: St. Jaume building - Congress Room- Zone 1 Speakers: Agnieska Stachowiak: The role of Triple Helix Synergetic intelligence in entrepreneurial strategy development Daria Golebiowska-Tataj:The role of Triple Helix Synergetic intelligence in entrepreneurial strategy development Felicity Kelliher: The role of Triple Helix Synergetic intelligence in entrepreneurial strategy development Jelena Titko: The role of Triple Helix...

Semi Plenary Session 2: Driving Forces for Regional Sustainable Development – The role of Universities

Location: Paranimf room   Moderator: Raffaele Trapasso, OECD Dimche Nikolov, Senior international Development Expert Speakers: Alexandra Hiniker, Carnegie Mellon University Mahamadou Biga-Diambeidou, Catholic University of Louvain  Terri Taylor, Strategy director for innovation and discovery at Lumina Foundation Louise Kempton, Newcastle University, UK  

Coffee Break

Location: Montserrat square 

Ordinary Session 1

Location: St Miquel - MF.B.2.1  Speakers:  17:30 – 17:42 - Adriana Ferreira de Faria, Luciana Ramos Soares, Daniela Leocádio Silva, Jucelia Maria Lopes: Strategic Partnerships for Innovation: UFV Case. 17:45 – 18:00 - Andréa Aparecida da Costa Mineiro, Cleber Carvalho de Castro, Marcelo Gonçalves do Amaral: Who are the Actors of Quadruple and Quintuple Helix?...

Ordinary Session 2

Location: MF.B.2.2  Speakers:Daniela Carolina Eckert 17:30 – 17:42 - Emily Wise, Patricia Canto-Farachala, Madeline Smith: Engaging for Sustainable Development and Transformation – exploring the concept of Transformative Academic Institutions.  17:45 – 18:00 - Tatiana Aleksandrovna Iakovleva, Masoumeh Shahverdi: Agents of change – regional actor’s perspective on university-industry collaboration though student’s involvement in challenge-based learning projects. ...

Ordinary Session 3

Location: MF.1.7  Speakers:  17:30 - 17:45  Zhen Yi: Digital Transformation of Administrative Services and Its Effect on     Enterprise Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study of Beijin.g 17:45 – 18:00 - T. Bartosz Kalinowski, Małgorzata Żak-Skwierczyńska, Magdalena Wiśniewska, Paweł Głodek: Triple  Helix and sustainable growthin  emerging  economies:     Stakeholders tensions in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. 18:00 – 18:15...

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