Ordinary Session 16

Location: St. Miquel building - MF.B.2.1 Speakers:  17:30 – 17:45 – Adriana Ferreira de Faria, Jeruza Alves Haber, Andressa Caroline De            Battisti, Marcelo Gonçalves do Amaral, Andréa Aparecida da Costa Mineiro: Technology    parks in Brazil: an analysis of the performance evaluation. 17:45 – 18:00 - Gabriel Falcini dos Santos, Karen E F Pinto, Yohanna...

Ordinary Session 17

Location: St. Miquel Building - MF.B.2.2 Speaker: 17:30 – 17:45 – Chen Feng: Evolutionary Governance dynamics of powerful customer engagement in industrial.   17:45 – 18:00 – Wang Yang: Research on global open science governance framework. 18:00 – 18:15 – Wu Xiaofei: Digital Finance and Urban Innovation———Evidence from   China’s Municipal Level Session Moderator: Marco Bellandi...

Ordinary Session 18

Location: St. Miquel building - MF.1.7 Speakers:  17:30 – 17:45 – Ana Maria Nunes Gimenez, André Correia Bueno, Carolina Mendes B.     Ferreira, Ana Maria Carneiro, Gabriela Araujo Tetzner, Julia Yuki Dias Suzuki, Larissa A. Prevato Lopes, Luiza M. Capanema Bezerra: Academic career and gender inequalities in Brazil: the effect of postdoctoral mobility abroad. 17:45 –...

Ordinary Session 19

Location: St. Miquel building - MF.1.8 Speakers:  17:30 – 17:45 -Anna Carreras Coch: Planet4 experience: an Erasmus+ project filling the gap between Industry and Academia in the context of Industry 4.0 17:45 – 18:00 -Laura Hundscheid: Six policy intervention points to foster the protein     transition towards sustainability –Addressing repercussions of regime shifts as a prerequisite....

Ordinary Session 20

Location: St. Miquel building MF.1.9 Speakers:  17:30 – 17:45 - Elva Lizeth Ramos Monge, Álvaro García-Piquer: Data Science for SDG:  the experience of four data science projects into a triple helix.  17:50 – 18:05 – Sun Qian: Governance and Data Sourcing in Supervised Learning  Development-A Case of Healthcare Artificial Intelligence. - 18:10 – 18:25 –Yaqian...

Ordinary Session 21

Location: St. Miquel building MF.B.2.1 Speakers:  08:30 – 08:45 - Adriana Ferreira de Faria, Jucelia Maria Lopes, Francylara Miranda   Castro, Ester Almeida Reis, Vanessa Aparecida Pereira Batista: Entrepreneurial University and Innovation Environments: Entrepreneurship as a Basis for Development. 08:45 – 09:00 – Marcelo Goncalves do Amaral, Antonio Claudio Nobrega, Monica     Savedra, Antonio Claudio Nobrega:...

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