All Day

EU China Forum: Opening Remarks

Location: St. Josep, Auditorium Speakers: Zhu Jingyang, Chinese Consulate Amadeo Jensana, Casa Asia Josep M. Pique, Triple Helix Association MU Rongping, CASSSP Host Room: Claudia Olvera, La Salla URL  

Plenary Session: EU-China S&T Cooperation

Location: Auditorium Speakers: MU Rongping, President of CASSSP  (China) CHEN Jin, Tsinghua University, vice President of CASSSP (China) WEI Jiang, Zhejiang University, vice President of CASSSP (China) Josep M. Pique. President of Triple Helix Association. Yuzhuo Cai – Tampere University - (Finland) Virginia Trigo – University Institute of Lisbon  (Portugal)  

Side Event I: Doctoral Consortium – Track I

Location: Sant Miquel Building, Volkswagen Room. Evaluators: David Campbell (online), Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt. Fransec Sole Parellada, Knowledge and Development Foundation. Marco Bellandi, Florence University. Moderator: Kerem Gurses, La Salle - URL. Speakers: Lucas Berdague Correa, Federal University of Vicosa. Nelly Maria Canessa, La Salle - URL. Patrick Agejoh, University of Johannesburg Sasha Katalina Soto...

Side Event I: Doctoral Consortium – Track II

Location: Sant Miquel Building, MF.3.04. Evaluators: Elias Carayannis (online). Francesc Miralles, La Salle - URL. Marcelo Gonçalves do Amaral Moderator: Didier Grimaldi, La Salle - URL. Speakers: Juan Augusto Nihoul, La Salle - URL. Marina Heizen, PUCPR. Martina Logi, La Salle - URL. Remy Twiringigimana, University College London. Description: Forum for discussion to advanced-stage doctoral...

Round Table Discussion I: National innovation systems & Ecosystems of Innovation in EU & China

Location: St. Josep Auditorium Speakers: LIANG Zheng, Tsinghua University (China) YU Jiang, Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) FAN Chunliang, Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) Emanuele Fiore – Italian National Research Council (CNR) - (Italy) Annika Seiber – Management Insights (Sweden) Chunyan Zhou – International Triple Helix Institute...

Side Event I: Doctoral Consortium – Track I

Location: Sant Miquel Building, Volkswagen Room. Evaluators: David Campbell (online), Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt. Fransec Sole Parellada, Knowledge and Development Foundation. Marco Bellandi, Florence University. Moderator: Kerem Gurses, La Salle - URL. Speakers: Lucas Berdague Correa, Federal University of Vicosa Nelly Maria Canessa, La Salle - URL. Patrick Agejoh, University of Johannesburg Sasha Katalina Soto...

Side Event I: Doctoral Consortium – Track II

Location: Sant Miquel Building, MF.3.04. Evaluators: Elias Carayannis (online). Francesc Miralles, La Salle - URL. Marcelo Gonçalves do Amaral. Moderator: Didier Grimaldi, La Salle - URL. Speakers: Juan Augusto Nihoul, La Salle - URL. Marina Heizen, PUCPR. Martina Logi, La Salle - URL. Remy Twiringigimana, University College London. Description: Forum for discussion to advanced-stage doctoral...


Location: Sant Jaume building - Congress Room: Zone 4 


THA & ACEEU Conference Opening Ceremony & Loet Leydesdorff Life Achievement Award

Location: St. Jaume building Congress Room Zone 2 Moderator: Carina Rapetti, General Manager Triple Helix Association  Speakers: Josep M. Piqué, President Triple Helix Association  Thorsten Kliewe, Chair ACEEU Josep M. Santos, General Manager La Salle - URL Josep Maria Garrell,  President - elect European University Association

Plenary Session 1: Triple Helix: Past, Present and Future

Location: St. Jaume building - Congress Room - Zone 2 Moderator: Chumyan Zhou, co-founder/Director, International Triple Helix Institute (ITHI)  Speaker: Henry Etzkowitz co-founder of the Triple Helix

Poster Sessions

Location: St. Jaume building - Congress Room- Zone 1 Speakers: Agnieska Stachowiak: The role of Triple Helix Synergetic intelligence in entrepreneurial strategy development Daria Golebiowska-Tataj:The role of Triple Helix Synergetic intelligence in entrepreneurial strategy development Felicity Kelliher: The role of Triple Helix Synergetic intelligence in entrepreneurial strategy development Jelena Titko: The role of Triple Helix...

Semi Plenary Session 2: Driving Forces for Regional Sustainable Development – The role of Universities

Location: Paranimf room   Moderator: Raffaele Trapasso, OECD Dimche Nikolov, Senior international Development Expert Speakers: Alexandra Hiniker, Carnegie Mellon University Mahamadou Biga-Diambeidou, Catholic University of Louvain  Terri Taylor, Strategy director for innovation and discovery at Lumina Foundation Louise Kempton, Newcastle University, UK  

Coffee Break

Location: Montserrat square 

Ordinary Session 1

Location: St Miquel - MF.B.2.1  Speakers:  17:30 – 17:42 - Adriana Ferreira de Faria, Luciana Ramos Soares, Daniela Leocádio Silva, Jucelia Maria Lopes: Strategic Partnerships for Innovation: UFV Case. 17:45 – 18:00 - Andréa Aparecida da Costa Mineiro, Cleber Carvalho de Castro, Marcelo Gonçalves do Amaral: Who are the Actors of Quadruple and Quintuple Helix?...

Ordinary Session 2

Location: MF.B.2.2  Speakers:Daniela Carolina Eckert 17:30 – 17:42 - Emily Wise, Patricia Canto-Farachala, Madeline Smith: Engaging for Sustainable Development and Transformation – exploring the concept of Transformative Academic Institutions.  17:45 – 18:00 - Tatiana Aleksandrovna Iakovleva, Masoumeh Shahverdi: Agents of change – regional actor’s perspective on university-industry collaboration though student’s involvement in challenge-based learning projects. ...

Ordinary Session 3

Location: MF.1.7  Speakers:  17:30 - 17:45  Zhen Yi: Digital Transformation of Administrative Services and Its Effect on     Enterprise Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study of Beijin.g 17:45 – 18:00 - T. Bartosz Kalinowski, Małgorzata Żak-Skwierczyńska, Magdalena Wiśniewska, Paweł Głodek: Triple  Helix and sustainable growthin  emerging  economies:     Stakeholders tensions in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. 18:00 – 18:15...

Ordinary Session 4

Location: MF.1.8  Schedule: 17:30 – 17:45 – Madeline Smith, Żaneta Muranko, Lametse Nono Letsebe: NICER Programme: Interdisciplinary collaboration for Circular Economy system change  17:45 – 18:00 - Christiane Gebhardt: Lagoon of Venice – Coastal restoration under changing climate conditions and high human pressure.  18:00 – 18:15 - Verena Germann: Analyzing benefits and trade-offs of innovative...

Ordinary Session 5

Location: MF.1.9  Speakers: 17:30 – 17:42 - Arjen Van de Walle: Design and application of a Twin Transition assessment framework for the sustainable digitalization of SME.  17:45 – 18:00 - Saliha Ziam: Validation of a framework for evaluating knowledge mobilization strategies: Delphi survey of experts. 18:03 – 18:15 - Lametse Nono Letsebe: Towards the Development...

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