Science Technology Innovation and Development Policy Forum

Triple Helix Association and the Chinese Association for Science of Science and S&T Policy (CASSSP) will celebrate a site event during the Triple Helix Conference to discuss and bring more light regarding China and Europe policies and cooperation.



Prof. MU Rongping, President of CASSSP 

Prof. XUE Lan, Tsinghua University 

Prof. WEI Jiang, Zhejiang University 

Prof. CHEN Jin, Tsinghua University 

Prof. CAI Li, Jilin University 


Prof. Josep M. Pique – President Triple Helix Association

Prof. Virginia Trigo – University Institute of Lisbon – Portugal 

Prof. Emanuele Fiore – Italian National Research Council (CNR) – Italy 

Prof. Carina Rapetti – La Salle – Ramon Llull University – Spain 

Prof. Yuzhuo Cai – Tampere University – Finland 


26 June 2023
9:00 am - 9:20 am

Location: St. Josep, Auditorium Speakers: Zhu Jingyang, Chinese Consulate Amadeo Jensana, Casa Asia Josep M. Pique, Triple Helix Association MU Rongping, CASSSP Host Room: Claudia Olvera, La Salla URL  

26 June 2023
9:20 am - 11:00 am

Location: Auditorium Speakers: MU Rongping, President of CASSSP  (China) CHEN Jin, Tsinghua University, vice President of CASSSP (China) WEI Jiang, Zhejiang University, vice President of CASSSP (China) Josep M. Pique. President of Triple Helix Association. Yuzhuo Cai – Tampere University - (Finland) Virginia Trigo – University Institute of Lisbon  (Portugal)  

26 June 2023
11:20 am - 1:00 pm

Location: St. Josep Auditorium Speakers: LIANG Zheng, Tsinghua University (China) YU Jiang, Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) FAN Chunliang, Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) Emanuele Fiore – Italian National Research Council (CNR) - (Italy) Annika Seiber – Management Insights (Sweden) Chunyan Zhou – International Triple Helix Institute...

27 June 2023
4:10 pm - 5:10 pm

Location: St. Jaume building - Paranimf Speakers: Zhiwei Song, Chairman of Association of Chinese-European Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ACEIE)  SHI Qinfen, Suzhou University of Science and Technology Soledad Díaz, APTE Ebba Lund, IASP Session Moderator: Dr. Jorge Audy, Pontifical Catholic University of Brazil

27 June 2023
6:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Location: St. Josep building - Auditorium Speakers: Josep M. Pique – La Salle – Ramon Llull University  Chunyan Zhou - International Triple Helix Institute MU Rongping, President of CASSSP 

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